
Ken is a unique and talented leader…

“I had the pleasure to work with Ken during the construction of the Copenhagen Metro and, afterwards, in a number of challenging projects during my experience at Union Switch and Signal. His drive and vision have been always inspiring and challenging, pushing people to deliver their best. Ken is a unique and talented leader who knows how to run and manage complex businesses, but, on need, is able also to understand the technical challenges behind them and provide tactical and strategic guidance. His clarity of action, together with his engaging style, make him a great Executive to work for and will definitively make him an extraordinary asset for any company seeking to reach top performance.”

— Alfredo Drago || SVP Head of Development at Ansaldo STS

…a unique balance of industry knowledge and outstanding leadership abilities.

“Ken Burk demonstrates a unique balance of industry knowledge and outstanding leadership abilities. I had the privilege of working with Ken on a number of programs while both of us were part of Ansaldo STS, and I was able to see his talents in play as he led the organization through periods of both growth and challenge for the company. He’s able to build support for new programs, and has a vision for product portfolios that reflect his sense of market needs. Leadership in the transportation industry and on large-scale construction projects demand the kind of attention to detail that Ken exhibits, and his work ethic example to his senior staff is outstanding. An executive organization seeking a true leader with extensive mass-transit and construction experience would be fortunate to have Ken Burk at the helm”

— Fred O’Leary || Senior Systems Engineer – Communications Lead at Sound Transit

…able to drive to the core issues and provide valuable opinions and insights…

“We had encountered a series of challenges while delivering a multi-billion dollar nuclear project in the UK. We invited Ken and his team to come in on several occasions to provide an independent peer review of different aspects of the job. With very little start-up time, Ken was able to drive to the core issues and provide valuable opinions and insights on cost estimates, staffing, delivery strategies and overall project health. His direct style and ability to quickly cut to the chase makes him an asset for improving project delivery performance.”

— Val Roberts || Executive at Jacobs UK

…great clarity in Ken’s direction and effectiveness with his follow up.

“I had the pleasure to do some consulting for Ken and his executive team during his time as CEO of a major U.S. based specialty contractor group (part of one of the largest general contractors in the U.S. ). During my time working there, it became clear that Ken brought a broad and deep base of knowledge and experience into his work, which helped him execute various initiatives in very complex environments. One highlight in my observations of his performance was his ability to successfully lead the standardization of numerous processes, systems and initiatives across multiple organizations with vastly different leadership styles and cultures. As a Performance Management consultant, I can attest to the difficulty in achieving such a task. There was always great clarity in his direction and effectiveness with his follow up. I would recommend his expertise to anyone undergoing business transitions, mergers and acquisitions and needing strategic planning and analytical services”

— Francisco Gomez || Senior Consultant at Aubrey Daniels International

Motivational…a great communicator.

“Ken is one of the most motivated leaders I have worked for; he inspires people, has a good presence and is a great communicator. His immense ability to think around corners and see problems before they happen is something very special.”

— Jim Hayde || Senior Vice President of Project Assurance at Jacobs

…always in pursuit of a better way to do things.

“I worked with Ken for 2 years at Jacobs, and found him to be pleasant and proficient. He built a stronger safety organization and made headway in improving our project delivery processes. Ken is grounded, with strong industry experience and a foundation of common sense, with an inquisitive nature, always in pursuit of a better way to do things.”

— Cora Carmody || SVP/CIO at Jacobs

Comprehensive and insightful consulting advice.

“With his experience as both a CFO and CEO of major construction companies, Ken is uniquely qualified to provide comprehensive and insightful consulting advice on both financial and operational issues that many construction companies face. Couple that experience with his unflagging integrity, you can’t go wrong in adding Ken Burk to your construction team.”

— Roger Peters || Mediator, Arbitrator, DRB Member and Expert Witness

…provides solutions to complex challenges.

“Ken is an inspirating leader. His way of thinking differently and exploring un-obvious options provides solutions to complex challenges. I had the pleasure of working with Ken on the set-up of a global team. This corporate initiative required Ken to establish new strategy and plans and he clearly articulated a new vision for the performance management of the whole company. Ken demonstrated his understanding of the global market and his ability to influence diverse teams.”

— François Abiven || Vice President Global Alliances at Jacobs

…sharp, practical commercial focus.

“I had the pleasure of working with Ken at Jacobs. He has an engaging leadership style, connecting with issues and opportunities at a strategic level while maintaining a sharp, practical commercial focus.”

— Nick Fleming || Director, Principal Consultant at Innergise Pty Ltd

…trustworthy and effective executive.

“I had the pleasure to work with Ken on a number of projects during my tenure at NYC Transit as well as in my current role as a consultant. I find Ken to be trustworthy, and an effective executive to do business with. He has excellent leadership skills, and is a great motivator to his team. I highly recommend Ken in his new endeavor.”

— Nabil Ghaly || President at Rail Transport Engineering, P.C.

…relentless in his pursuit of the right solutions.

“Ken is a creative thinker with the courage and stamina to dig into the details. He is relentless in his pursuit of the right solutions to challenging problems.”

— John Noble || Vice President of Cincinnati Operations at Jacobs